As a youth ministry you are responsible for advocating, motivating, and informing.  Maybe it’s done in a meeting or your weekly worship.  No matter how your message is delivered it needs to be strong.


To build a better message you need to first be INTENTIONAL.  It cannot be an afterthought and it cannot be something you throw together. Your message needs:


To get your audience engaged you need to know who they are.  That means painting the picture with examples that are relevant to them.  It means knowing what’s going on in their lives and speaking to it.

Get to know your audience by spending time with them. Keep record of everything that drives them and holds them back.  When they feel like you are speaking to them, then they’ll feel like you are worth listening to.


Your message is a story and you are taking your audience on a journey.  To have purpose you need to answer these two questions:

  • What do I want them to know?
  • What do I want them doing with this information?

When you can answer those questions take the time to bring them to that point.  Tie application, inspiration and Truth around the answers.  Give them a reason as to why this is important for them to know.


Messages that are effective are ones that show the true personality of the speaker.  Use your humor, your stories, and your experience.  People want to get to know you.

If you are going to imitate others make sure their style resembles yours.  Don’t just go after what is popular.  When you play to your strengths you show your audience a side of authenticity we rarely see today.


If all you do is spend a few minutes on your message then you are delivering an incomplete piece.  Instead:

  • Write a draft and then step away. 
  • Have someone else look at it and give his or her perspective.
  • Practice it aloud and then go back and make the changes that are revealed.

Avoid just writing a message out.  Give it time and work to grow into something great.

When you give your messages the time and energy they need to grow you’ll see vast improvement.  Don’t take your speaking for granted and build a better message.

What tips have you learned to improve your message delivery?
