
As you can see from our scholarship page… we’re helping several youth workers get resources who can’t afford them… actually, by being a member… you’re helping us help others… so thanks to you. In addition, we’ve got a couple friends who donate to DYM because they care deeply about youth ministry. Here are the most recent numbers:


August: 15 scholarships

September: 20 scholarships

October: 12 scholarships


Some thankful youth workers have to say:


“Oh my gosh! This is great! I’m at my full-time job, reading this, and fighting back tears of joy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! “



“I wanted to say thank you so much for providing this amazing resource of our youth program. As I mentioned we are a youth program of just about one and a half years old. We have about 38 kids who come on an average week, and this will be a huge blessing for these amazing kids. Thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing in New England, I am truly grateful for the way you taken this step. We are praying for you all, thanks again! Here are a few pics from a trip we took this summer. I used the scholarship money to buy the back to school bundle and have already used some of the games/and powerpoints and am working on incorporating the lessons! It should get me through the fall!”