
Last month was so much fun! As we wrapped up 2013, Doug, Matt & I decided to pull together a ton of resources from some of our friends and create a DYM Membership Blitz for the holidays. If you haven’t heard of the details yet, we’re giving away and additional 30+ freebies right up front in addition to the 8 membership items each month. People were talking about it (click here to read what a few of them said) and it was so much fun! All we want to do is Help Youth Workers Win … and continually feel like we really get a chance to do that!

Well, we had a bunch of requests from youth workers hoping that we would extend the sale through a couple weeks in 2014. We’re thrilled and amazed at the responses far and we’re pumped to extend the deal for another week or so. So check it out and join in on the fun, check out all of the details right here!