We know there are tons of questions that are being asked in a small group on any given night. There are the questions where the students know that the answer is “Jesus”. There are the questions about something that happened in the Bible. There are the questions about life and it has to do with the study. Then there are questions that students ask that have nothing to do with anything. Questions are great for learning. As small group leaders, we need to at least need to have 3 types of questions in our small group every time we meet so they can get the most out of the group and push students to be a better follower of Jesus.

Here are the 3 types of questions:

The Thinker: I think every group needs to have their brain challenged with a question that will get them thinking. For me it is usually something do with the character of God/Jesus. We want to get them thinking about who God is to them and get them thinking critically and get their mindset in the right place before moving onto a heart-felt question. When the mind is engaged with a good question to get thinking the heart is more open and available for change as well.

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I do that with my small group and you can check it out HERE.

The Heartfelt: We need to be asking questions in which allow students to show a little bit about themselves. Not only what they think but how they feel. This allows the group to be more authentic with each other because they are opening up a little bit about their own lives. Authenticity builds a deeper group. A deeper trust builds more and more feelings a trust and openness. We need to be asking questions in which stir up emotions of the heart and bring them to the fore-front of the group life.

The Challenge: The head has been challenged to think. The heart has been moved to act. Every small group should end with a question of challenge. Their minds are open, their hearts are open and it won’t mean anything unless they are challenged to act. Ask questions in which the answers will be practical ways to practice whatever lesson you just went through. If it was on prayer, in what ways are they going to engage in prayer. If it was on service, what are some practical ways to serve others this week etc. A step forward in faith is a win. Don’t leave group without practical steps to move forward.

There is probably a thousand different ways to ask each question. Each one will be different depending on your group and your context of ministry. If you are asking these types of questions in your group I know you will see some great discussions and some great growth within your group.